Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Day At The Pond

If you all don't know butterflies are my favorite so I could have posted a 100 of them. They are so beautiful. There colors are so amazing, and it so neat how the top wings have different colors then the bottom part of their wings. 
Along the pond I also found some dragonflies, they are hard as hell to capture. Drangonflies don't  like to stay very still. Unless you have a macro lens and don't have to try to get close to them to get a good shot. This was the best I could do without getting to frustrated. 
Of course I had to put the little froggy up. He was just chillin. I thought he would like to have his picture taken too. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice shots Krystal! Thats a great one of the Dragonfly. They look like tiny helicopters. Peace out yo! Alex
AK sanford and son