Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Local Farm

After the crew went out around Phoenixville. Malin and I found our way to a local farm. We were stopping by to pick up some fresh fruit and veggies. I was on a roll this day and I just didn't want to stop. I not sure what the name of this place was. Once I find out from Malin I will be sure to let you all know. This place was so unique, everything you could ask for in a farm. You could buy fruits, veggies, flowers, gifts, you name it they pretty much had it.The owners were so nice. I think that what makes everyone just want to keep going back. 
A perfect place to take your kids. They can feed all the different animals. They had pigs, cows, chickens, hens, goats, dogs, and who knows what else. I was only there for a short amount of time I probably missed something. I was to busy trying to capture what I could, while trying to feel like a kid again. Thanks for taking me there. I can't wait to go back:)

I know this one doesn't go with the animals but I liked the textures of the gourds. Now if I could of had some sunlight shining on them. This would have been an awesome shot. The sun was already setting. Everything can't be perfect that for damn sure.  

1 comment:

Malin said...

Those goats loved you! ha ha ...hmmm and I guess vice versa! So much fun that day! I loved every minute! Last shot is great too and I think it is perfect without sunlight. Cool!